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CPC-096 Optimization of the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis with Biological Treatment
  1. D Ferràndez Martí,
  2. A Camacho Calvente,
  3. C Campabadal Prat,
  4. RM Parés Marimon,
  5. R Sala Robinat,
  6. J Serrais Benavente,
  7. A Perelló Juncà
  1. Hospital Igualada, Pharmacy, Barcelona, Spain


Background The introduction of biological treatment (BT) in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has led to better control of this disease, but on the other hand to a great increase in pharmacy costs.

Purpose To review BT regimens in patients with RA in order to optimise treatment; to try to increase the dosing interval in patients who are responding well and evaluate the savings made.

Materials and Methods Interventional prospective study aiming at optimising the treatment of RA with BT by expanding interval in patients with a good response: adalimumab 40 mg/every 14–21 days and etanercept 50 mg/every 10–14 days. The review of treatments was made jointly between the pharmacy and rheumatology, adjusting the dose and calculating the cost avoided.

Results Patients chosen to extend the dosing interval had a mean DAS28 value of 2.183 (DAS28 < 2.4 is considered to mean disease remission). By extending the dosing interval €108,049.47 was saved in a year.

Conclusions The review and optimization of BT dosage regimens in RA patients in remission allowed us to control the disease and save money.

Abstract CPC-096 Table 1

No conflict of interest.

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