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PS-029 Feasibility of utilisation and patient satisfaction with a nationwide standardised electronic medication plan
  1. IL Ulmer,
  2. C Mildner,
  3. I Krämer
  1. Pharmacy of the University Medical Centre Mainz, Pharmacy, Mainz, Germany


Background During patient admission and discharge from hospital, the loss of information about patients’ medications implies a challenge for patients and healthcare providers. Taking the patient’s drug history in a face to face interview is routinely done in hospital but more reliable sources, such as standardised medication plans, are necessary to improve medication and patient safety.

Purpose The innovative, nationwide, standardised electronic medication plan was evaluated in a pilot project on feasibility and usefulness for 600 patients. Moreover, utilisation of the e-medication plan for 6 months after discharge by primary physicians and local pharmacies was evaluated, and patients’ and healthcare providers’ satisfaction.

Material and methods Patients were recruited according to the study plan in 5 different hospitals. The e-medication plans were compiled in an online portal especially set up for the project. They were used for medication reconciliation in cooperation with the attending physicians and printed when patients were discharged. Concomitantly, hospital pharmacists counselled patients and explained the medication plan to them. Over a period of 6 months, the e-medication plans were updated on the internet platform by the local pharmacists and/or general practitioners, and each new version was printed and handed over to the patient. Patients were interviewed 2 weeks and 6 months after hospital discharge, and local pharmacists and physicians 6 months after discharge by a written questionnaire concerning the feasibility and satisfaction with the e-medication plan.

Results An interim analysis included interviews of 387 patients, 128 pharmacists and 55 general practitioners. The patient interviews 2 weeks after hospital discharge indicated that 97% of patients were satisfied with the content and comprehensibility of the medication plan. A broad majority of patients stated having gained new information on indication (65%) or proper administration of their medicines (76%). Pharmacists and physicians were mostly satisfied with this new tool to facilitate communication between pharmacists, doctors and patients.

Conclusion Utilisation of the standardised e-medication plan was feasible in the inpatient and outpatient setting. Patients acknowledged the useful design and content of the medication plan and had better understanding of their medication. Healthcare providers acknowledged the availability of comprehensive information about the patients’ medication.

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