Table 3

Activities at discharge: summary of potential process benefits studied

Potential benefitResults and references
Medication report (without quality assurance) reduces error rates in medication listsThe proportion of patients without an error (measured based on what patients really take) in the medication lists increased from 34% to 68%3
Decreased risk of clinical consequencesThe proportion of patients with a moderate or high risk of clinical consequences was reduced from 32% to 16%3
Quality assured medication report in the LIMM discharge information decreases error rates furtherThe total number of errors decreased by 45% from 12.0 to 4.8 of medications. The proportion of patients without errors increased from 63% to 73%5
The patient receives high quality discharge information written by physiciansError rates in medication lists and medication reports decreased somewhat at the University Hospital wards during 1 year of follow-up but the number of patients who received the information was still low (31% and 27%)15
Healthcare contacts after discharge decreaseThe proportion of patients seeking care due to errors in medication lists decreased from 8.9% to 4.4%16
  • LIMM, Lund Integrated Medicines Management.