Abstract OHP-016 Table 1

Proportion of consistent prescriptions before and after the intervention (informatory note and pharmaceutical validation).

Survey 1
April 2013
Survey 2 before pharmaceutical validation
September 2013
Survey 2 after pharmaceutical validation September 2013
Number of prescriptions169203
Number of patients7578
Quality of the prescription: proportion of consistent prescription before (Survey 1) and after (Survey 2) the intervention
Was the indication entered?
(infectious site, pathogen etc.)
77%66%No validation
Did the physician provide information about initiation or continuation of the treatment?92%88%100%
Was the treatment reassessed by a senior doctor after 72 hours?77%96%99%
Was the serum creatinine entered by the physician?62%91%100%
Was the drug dose appropriate?73%94%99%
Well written prescriptions combining all criteria (excepted indication)*37%52%95%
  • *Indication was not included in the pharmaceutical validation