Case report template

SUMMARY Up to 150 words summarising the case presentation and outcome (this will be freely available online)
BACKGROUND Why you think this case is important for the pharmacist and/or hospital pharmacy practice – why did you write it up?
CASE PRESENTATION Presenting features, symptoms, medical/social/family history of the medication problem, and also the pharmacist actions and/or contribution
INVESTIGATIONS Why choose these particular investigations? How reliable are they? Why were combinations of tests needed? Make sure that the results are presented with the correct international units.
TREATMENT How did you decide on the remedial option that was chosen? For medicines, what were the effects and adverse effects of treatment? How was the success of the action assessed?
DISCUSSION Include a very brief review of similar published cases
LEARNING POINTS/TAKE HOME MESSAGES 3 to 5 bullet points with focus on importance for pharmacists and/or hospital pharmacy practice
REFERENCES Was the patient involved in a clinical trial? Please reference related articles
FIGURES You may add a figures but they should be uploaded separately and NOT be embedded in this document
PATIENT'S PERSPECTIVE Optional but strongly encouraged – this has to be written by the patient or next of kin
PATIENT CONSENT Publication of any personal information about an identifiable living patient requires the explicit consent of the patient or guardian (this is a requirement under the UK's data protection legislation). You should use the BMJ consent form which is available on the EJHP website (