Table 2

 Examples of reporting guidelines for types of research study

Study typeAcronymReporting guideline
Randomised controlled trialsCONSORT14Consolidated Standards for Reporting Trials
CONSORT Harms19CONSORT extension for reporting harms in randomised trials
CONSORT Non-inferiority16CONSORT extension for reporting non-inferiority and equivalence ­randomised trials
CONSORT Cluster17CONSORT extension for reporting cluster randomised trials
CONSORT Non-pharmacological20CONSORT extension for reporting non-pharmacological randomised trials
CONSORT Pragmatic18CONSORT extension for reporting pragmatic randomised trials
CONSORT Abstracts8CONSORT extension for abstracts of randomised trials
Neuro-oncology phase I and II trialsGNOSIS28Guidelines for Neuro-Oncology: Standards for Investigational Studies reporting of phase I and II clinical trials
Non-randomised studiesTREND29Transparent Reporting of Evaluations with Nonrandomised Designs of behavioral and public health interventions
Infection control intervention studiesORION30Guidelines for transparent reporting of Outbreak Reports and Intervention studies of Nosocomial infection
Systematic review/meta-analyses of randomised trialsPRISMA23Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses
Systematic reviews of observational studiesMOOSE31Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology
Diagnostic test accuracy studiesSTARD32Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy
Observational epidemiological studiesSTROBE24Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology
Genetic association studiesSTREGA33STROBE extension for Strengthening the Reporting of Genetic Association Studies
Prognostic studies of tumour markersREMARK34Reporting recommendations for tumour Marker prognostic studies
Quality improvement studiesSQUIRE35Guidelines for quality improvement in health care
Qualitative research studiesCOREQ36Consolidated standards for Reporting Qualitative research