IFNβ-1a IMPEGIFNβ-1a SCp Value
Q1. Ability to treat/prevent condition5.4±1.44.9±1.50.03
Q2. Ability to relieve symptoms5.3±1.24.9±1.40.06
Q3. Time it takes medication to start working5.3±0.94.5±1.4<0.01
Side effects13.5±2.812.3±2.90.08
% who reported side effects94.193.9
Q5. Bothersomeness of side effects3.0±0.72.8±0.80.18
Q6. Interfere with physical function2.9±0.83.0±10.64
Q7. Interfere with mental function4.0±1.13.7±0.90.18
Q8. Impact overall satisfaction3.6±12.8±1.10.01
Q9. Ease/difficulty of use4.8±1.25.8±0.9<0.01
Q10. Ease/difficulty of planning to use5.2±1.15.6±0.90.05
Q11. Convenience of taking as instructed5.3±1.35.6±1.10.15
Overall satisfaction13.1±2.411.9±3.20.02
Q12. Confidence that taking medication is good4.9±1.53.6±10.01
Q13. Certainty that good things outweigh bad4.9±1.43.5±10.02
Q14. Satisfaction with medication5.2±1.24.8±1.40.08