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Deprescribing in paediatrics
  1. Rukeya Begum1,
  2. Stephen Tomlin2
  1. 1 Pharmacy Department, St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK
  2. 2 Evelina Children's Hospital Pharmacy, London, UK
  1. Correspondence to Rukeya Begum, Pharmacy Department, St Thomas’ Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH, UK; rukeya.begum{at}

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Dear Editor,

Polypharmacy in paediatrics is not as common as in adults and for various reasons deprescribing is not as straightforward.

There are inevitably cases whereby we have complex patients on multiple medicines, for example, complex neurological patients on drugs for dystonia, sedation, spasms, drooling and reflux. Medicines often need trialling to see if they work and we may enter a situation whereby the patient is on multiple medicines that may need rationalising.

In the hospital setting, there tends to be a multidisciplinary approach with doctors, nurses and pharmacists, to name a few, discussing the patients’ best …

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