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General and Risk Management, Patient Safety (including: medication errors, quality control)
Active policy for safe medication practice in a psychiatric hospital: results at 3 years
  1. C. gorgeon,
  2. A. Roux,
  3. N. Gasnier,
  4. L. Arnaud,
  5. L. Schadler
  1. 1Centre Hospitalier Esquirol, Pharmacy, Limoges, France


Background In our hospital the medication process has been computerised since 1995. In 2008, in order to improve safety, an audit was carried out looking at the practices of the pharmacy department (PD) and care units (CUs) in the light of the French health authorities' recommendations.

Purpose To assess progress made against the improvement criteria established after the 2008 audit.

Materials and methods A clinical audit was conducted of 21 CUs and the PD. A set of criteria for improvement was drawn up in order to improve safe medication practices. This includes the development of good clinical practice (GCP) and targeted annual audits with quality indicators. These improvements have been followed up and evaluated each year since 2009.

Conclusions This study has allowed us to harmonise practices and to establish a set of relevant tools in order to improve medication safety. However, these quality indicators need to be continually updated in order to prevent medication errors, particularly due to lack of storage. Drug safety management needs a daily investment from each health professional for it to perform well.

GRP102 Table 1

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