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Drug supply/logistics (including: computeraided drug dispatching and ward pharmacies)
Simplying the management of patients with bipolar disorder and/or schizophrenia with extended-release quetiapine as adjunct treatment
  1. J.C. Pérez,
  2. P. Mas,
  3. M. Nigorra,
  4. M. Vilanova,
  5. C. Bravo,
  6. B. Calderon,
  7. J.M. Crespo
  1. 1Son Llatzer Hospital, Pharmacy, Palma de Mallorca, Spain


Background Lack of adherence leads to frequent emergency visits and an increased number of hospital readmissions. Several studies have shown that once a day dosing (simplification of treatment (ST)) may improve adherence.

DSL029 table 1

Purpose To assess ST at discharge, with initiation of, or change to, extended release quetiapine (QXR) in patients admitted to a psychiatric unit diagnosed with bipolar disorder (BD) and/or schizophrenia (SCH).

Materials and methods Retrospective study (February 2010-April 2011) of QXR prescription in BD and/or SCH from the admission and discharge reports. ST: reduction of one or more drugs and/or two or more tablets/times a day. Each administration of drops was equivalent to one tablet.

Data were measured at admission and discharge:

  • number and types of drugs, doses and tablets.

  • QXR dosage at discharge.

Results 18 patients (8 men) aged 25-67 years (mean 44 ±12 years) in 19 admissions (16 BD, 3 SCH). 4 were excluded, all with BD, because QXR was discontinued.

Type of drug at discharge: Antipsychotics: 93% had an antipsychotic other than QXR (mainly clozapine), 80% had more than 2 and 40% over 3. 20% reduced the number of antipsychotics. Benzodiazepines: 47% increased the number of different benzodiazepines and 13% got a decrease. Antidepressants: only 1 patient had antidepressants, related to a reduction of antipsychotics. Mood stabilisers: 33% had at least one at admission, and 60% more than one. Other: 60% were taking more ‘other medicines’ at discharge, 78% due to starting lithium. The treatment was simplified in 20% of patients: 1 patient reduced the number of drugs and tablets, 1 the number of doses and 1 the number of drugs.

Conclusion The proportion of patients with ST was very low in our series.

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