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Drug supply/logistics (including: computeraided drug dispatching and ward pharmacies)
Analyse the impact of hospital supply of oral chemotherapy agents in a outpatient unit
  1. C. Cano Corral,
  2. R. Gavira Moreno,
  3. V. González Rosa,
  4. M.T. Moreno Carvajal,
  5. F. Gómez de Rueda,
  6. M.T. Gómez de Travecedo,
  7. A. Almendral Vicente,
  8. P. Gómez Germá,
  9. M. Lobato Ballesteros,
  10. J.P. DÍaz López
  1. 1Hospital Sas Jerez, pharmacy, jerez de la Fra, Spain


Background Oral chemotherapy agents are medications that were dispensed in pharmacies usually but since the entry into force of an order regional president in January 2011 became hospital dispensing.

Purpose To analyse the economic and healthcare impact of the inclusion of oral chemotherapy agents in a outpatient dispensing unit.

Materials and methods The study period runs from 23th January to 30th September, 2011. During this period, 16 chemotherapy agents have been acquired and dispensed in our unit: anagrelide, capecitabine, cyclophosphamide, chlorambucil, dasatinib, erlotinib, gefitinib, hydroxyurea, imatinib, lapatinib, melphalan, sorafenib, sunitinib, nilotinib, tretinoin, temozolomide. For the economic analysis estimates the cost of which has led to the introduction of oral chemotherapy compared to other outpatient dispensations of haematology, oncology and urology, which are the units that consume such medicines data were obtained through the computer application outpatient dispensing (DIPEX) and management software (Sinfhos), was also evaluated consumption of each active ingredient included.

Results During this period, the number of patients who where dispensed oral chemotherapy were 388; it's means the 26,7% of patients attending in the outpatient unit. Consumption in this period for each area not including the dispensing of oral chemotherapy was: Haematology: 691,586.9€; Oncology: 280,038.23€; Urology: 27,754.74 € and consumption at the same time and each area including the dispensing of oral chemotherapy was: Haematology: 1,428,089.71€; Oncology: 907,203.66€; Urology: 96,641.97€. Representing an increase of 48.42% in consumption of Haematology, a 30.86% in Oncology and a 28.72% in Urology. The most dispensed drugs were: capecitabine 12,74%, dasatinib 9,48%, erlotinib 12,28%, imatinib 25,21%, lapatinib 5,25% and sunitinib 10,13%. Nobody was joined the staff to reinforce the outpatient unit.

Conclusions 16 new oral chemotherapy agents were acquired during this period, this has meant an overall increase in consumption of 243.43%, The drug is highest cost was imatinib. The number of patients increased by 26,7%, a very important increase of work without increase in the staff budget.

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