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Reflections and action plan in times of crisis for oncology treatments: a need for a proactive role for oncology pharmacists
  1. Gerardo Cajaraville,
  2. María-José Tamés
  1. Department of Pharmacy, Fundacion Onkologikoa, San Sebastián, Spain
  1. Correspondence to Dr Gerardo Cajaraville, Pharmacy Department, Fundación Onkologikoa, Paseo Dr Beguiristain 121, 20014 San Sebastián Spain; gcajaraville{at}


The cost of oncology treatments is rising to unaffordable levels. Hospital pharmacists are in a pivotal position to oversee treatment results, drug use and the real costs involved. Armed with this unique knowledge, hospital pharmacists can play a more proactive role in designing hospital policies to use expensive oncology drugs in a more cost-effective way, and in helping doctors and patients to cope with rising drug costs.

  • Pharmacy Management (Organisation, Financial)
  • PHarmacokinetics and Dynamics

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