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News from the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists
  1. Richard Price
  1. Correspondence to Richard Price, Department of Policy and Advocacy, European Association of Hospital Pharmacy, 3 Rue Abbe Cuypers, Brussels 1040, Belgium; richard.price{at}

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August 2013

High-level meeting on reducing medication error in hospitals

16 August 2013

The European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) has announced a high-level meeting to take place at the University Hospitals Leuven (UZ Leuven) focused on how to reduce medication errors in the hospital sector. Specifically, it will investigate how bedside scanning of medicines at the point of administration can become a widespread reality to increase patient safety.

The technology of scanning a medicine at the patient's bedside, prior to administration, has been demonstrated to reduce rates of medication error by as much as 40%. Yet, although commonplace in countries such as the USA, the practice in Europe remains the exception rather than the rule. The event will consider why this is the case, and what can be done to overcome identified implementation obstacles.

The 1-day event, to be held on Monday 14 October 2013, will include:

  • presentation of how bedside scanning at UZ Leuven reduces the possibility of medication error occurring at the point of administration;

  • guided visits to hospital wards to see the technology in operation;

  • presentations on the industrial, regulatory and international contexts to the issue; and,

  • workshops to gain the perspectives and considered opinions of a variety of impacted stakeholders.

Speaking about the event, Thomas De Rijdt, Assistant Director at UZ Leuven's Department of Pharmacy, said: Since introducing bedside scanning of medication in our hospital we have observed an increase in patient safety by further preventing medication errors. In addition we can ensure traceability of drugs. However our success here in Leuven is not something we wish to keep a secret from the rest of Europe. When we know something works, we want to share it and see the benefits enjoyed elsewhere. That is why we are working with the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists to hold this meeting aimed at identifying and enacting solutions to the known …

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