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PHC-007 Deployment of Bar Code Medicines Administration to Control the Administration of Medicines in Geriatric Units
  1. F Boye1,
  2. A Cyrus1,
  3. C Lebaudy1,
  4. P Lambea2,
  5. B Vellas3,
  6. P Cestac1
  1. 1University Hospital, Pharmacy, Toulouse, France
  2. 2University Hospital, Computing department, Toulouse, France
  3. 3University Hospital, Geriatrics, Toulouse, France


Background Of the errors occurring in drug treatment, about 24% take place during the step of administration (Mission nationale d’expertise et d’audit hospitaliers (MeaH) 2008). Poon et al, showed in 2010 that the Bar Code Medicines Administration (BCMA) reduced drug administration errors by 41.4% and serious potential adverse drug events by 54.1%.

Drug prescribing, dispensing and administration have been computerised in the 13 geriatric units at the University Hospital (CHU) of Toulouse. Since January 2012, an additional device has been deployed in 8 wards: barcode readers have been installed to read barcodes on the drug packaging to make administration safer.

Purpose A quality indicator was developed in order to analyse the use of barcode readers in care units in real time, to directly reduce drug administration errors. This indicator is a management tool to ensure that the BCMA system does not deviate over time.

Materials and Methods The indicator was designed with the help of a computer specialist. The request is based on an Access file that extracts administration data from the Disporao prescription software. Two parameters are determined: the number of doses administered by BCMA and the number of administered doses that could be scanned; the ratio of these two elements reflects the use of barcode readers by nurses.

Results The training of 89 nurses was completed in June 2012. The indicator showed that nurses scan an average of 70% of unit doses. The objective is to scan more than 95% of unit doses. Investigations are underway to understand the reasons for incompleteness (temporary nursing staff not trained, incorrect prescriptions, faulty hardware, for example) and make corrective actions.

Conclusions Optimization of the deployment of BCMA in the Geriatric units of Toulouse CHU allows us to plan the development of this practise over a large number of clinical departments at a later date.

No conflict of interest.

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