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OHP-029 Effects of a Pharmacist’S Interventions in a Surgical Unit
  1. M Merchante1,
  2. S Martinez1,
  3. A Izquierdo1,
  4. AP Zorzano1,
  5. L Sanchez-Rubio1,
  6. MF Hurtado1,
  7. MA Alfaro1,
  8. I Cañamares2
  1. 1Hospital San Pedro, Hospital Pharmacy, Logroño, Spain
  2. 2Hospital La Princesa, Hospital Pharmacy, Madrid, Spain


Background In the hospital setting, preoperative and postoperative stages can be considered as vulnerable moments when patients receive multiple drugs before, during and after surgical procedures.

A pharmacist’s inclusion in the clinical routine can contribute to detecting and solving drug-related-problems (DRPs) in these patients.

Purpose To implement and develop a working method that enables DRPs to be detected and solved in patients admitted for scheduled surgery.

Materials and Methods Prospective study design over a two-month period. (June–July 2012).

The pharmacotherapy of general surgery inpatients was evaluated by a pharmacist. For each patient, current and home medicines were reviewed. If detected, DRPs were mentioned to the doctor so he/she could assess the need for correction. Any DRPs identified were classified using the Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe (PCNE) system. (Latest revision, January 2010)

Results Average age of patients: 63 years.

Number of prescriptions looked through: 167 (Corresponding to 103 patients)

DRPs identified: 77 DRPs (68 in hospital pharmacotherapy and 9 in home medicines): 42 –Related to Treatment effectiveness (P1), 13-Related to Adverse reactions (P2), 19 Related to treatment costs (P3), and 3 in the group of other problems (P4).

Abstract OHP-029 Table 1

Causes of the DRPs identified

Conclusions The inclusion of a pharmacist in surgical units can lead to a more efficient and safe use of medicines. Moreover, suggestions were given due consideration by most of the doctors.

No conflict of interest.

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