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Background Electronic prescribing (EP) is a useful tool for improving the safety and adaptability of the prescription process. Surveys enable us to find out the satisfaction of users and potential areas for improvement.
Purpose To find out how satisfied doctors and nurses of the Internal Medicine Service (IMS) were with EP.
Materials and Methods In 2010 the ‘Mambrino XXI’ electronic medical record, which is an EP module, was implemented in a 100-bed general hospital.
In 2012 the Pharmacy Service developed an anonymous and confidential survey that was given to the doctors and nurses of the ISM. The questionnaire included 6 questions rated with a Likert scale (1: very bad/strongly disagree, 2: bad/disagree, 3: Regular/indifferent; 4: good/agree, 5: very good/strongly agree): 1. How do you consider the ease of use? 2. How does the speed of the application seem to you? 3. Are the alerts for allergies and duplications useful? 4. Do you think it prevents medication errors and improves safety? 5. Is the design of printed orders satisfactory? 6. What do you think about the support from the Pharmacy Service?
An overall satisfaction question was also included with 4 answers: very satisfied, satisfied, dissatisfied, very dissatisfied.
Results 6 doctors and 10 nurses completed the questionnaire. The average score was 3.7 for question 1; 2.9 for question 2; 3.9 for question 3; 3 for question 4; 3.1 for question 5 and 4.1 for question 6; 6 respondents were very satisfied, 5 satisfied and 5 dissatisfied.
Conclusions The survey evaluated aspects of practise use, safety and Pharmacy Service support. More than two-thirds of doctors and nurses of the ISM were satisfied with the EP. There are opportunities for improve all the aspects investigated, especially the programme speed, the perceived safety and the design of printed medical orders.
No conflict of interest.