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Background Since 2009, the executive management of CHU Mont-Godinne has chosen to implement the LEAN methodology in our institution. Considering the multiple issues arising in our hospitals, a fundamental reorganisation of our processes and changing our behaviour is a matter of survival. Production accounts for about 30% of the work of the CHU Mont-Godinne hospital pharmacy. Constraints in a production facility are many: consistent quality, inventory management, delivery in time, productivity, teamwork.
Purpose To optimise resources using the LEAN tools.
Materials and Methods LEAN Tools
The 5S Philosophy focuses on effective workplace organisation. The objective is to achieve higher goals and thus improve the work done. There are five primary 5S phases: sorting, straightening, systematic cleaning, standardising, and sustaining.
‘Spaghetti diagram’
Visual method
to depict the information flow.
to determine the physical flow and distance that information and people travel to process work.
Standardisation of practise
The process is filmed; a discussion takes place on this movie to define best practise.
This best practise is written as a standard and constitutes a training tool. The standard process is regularly revised in the context of continual improvement. Training improves the versatility of assistants in production.
Visual management
Improved communication through the implementation of short meetings:
What is the idea or problem? What is the action to perform? Who is responsible for it? When? Status?
Results We obtained an improvement in
productivity: time required for preparation decreased, for example a 28% decrease for Tazocin 4 g diluted in glucose
communication: two daily meetings
standardisation of processes: 20 to 60%
versatility of assistants in production: 10 to 40%
Conclusions Teamwork and standardisation of processes are now the keys elements to coping with the constraints of a production department of a hospital pharmacy and to obtaining continual quality improvement and optimising resources.
No conflict of interest.