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TCH-035 Repackaging of Drugs in Unit Doses Using an Automatic Blister Precutting System
  1. S González-Piñeiro,
  2. MT Rabuñal-Alvarez,
  3. M Calvin-Lamas,
  4. B Feal-Cortizas,
  5. I Pedreira-Vázquez,
  6. I Martín-Herranz
  1. Complejo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña, Pharmacy, A Coruña, Spain


Background Storage conditions in the original blister guarantee certain conditions (light protection, humidity). Our hospital pharmacy has a Strokar (manual repackaging machine) and, since 2011, a Blispack (automatic repackaging). Repackaging is carried out by a pharmacy technician for 7 hours/day, from Monday to Friday.

Purpose To describe the activity of the BlisPack.

Materials and Methods Descriptive observational study. Study period: 12 months (May/2011-April/2012). Variables studied: repackaged pharmaceutical specialties, number of unit doses repackaged, number of blister packs processed, number of blister packs rejected, monthly percentage of units repackaged with BlisPack. Data source: BlisPack ADM v1.1 computer application.

Results Number of different drugs repackaged: 118. Number of unit doses repackaged with BlisPack: 333352. Number of processed/rejected blisters: 18111/2873 (15.86%). Average monthly BlisPack unit doses repackaged: 27779. Average percentage of BlisPack repackaged: 40.10%. Monthly evolution of numbers of unit doses repackaged in BlisPack and percentage of unit doses repackaged in BlisPack versus total number of unit doses repackaged: May 2011 (22787 and 30.84%), June 2011 (11350 and 24.88%), July 2011 (30675 and 38.65%), August 2011 (24178 and 37.27%), September 2011 (19502 and 29.84%), October 2011 (27942 and 47.03%), November 2011 (31894 and 40.53%) December 2011 (25722 and 41%), January 2012 (25628 and 39.26%), February 2012 (24500 and 46.08%), March 2012 (41547 and 54.34%), April 2012 (47627 and 51.58%). The 5 drugs with greatest number of unit doses repackaged in BlisPack were: Acfol, Potasion 600 mg, Limovan 7.5 mg, Lioresal 10 mg and Levothroid 50 mcg.

Conclusions This new technology allows us to repackage drugs, maintaining the conditions of the original packaging, with a precut automatic blister that simplifies the process of repackaging. There has been a growth in the use of this system compared to traditional repackaging, implying that to managethe new repackaging BlisPack requires a learning curve and the acquisition of handling skills.

No conflict of interest.

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