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DSL-001 A Multidisciplinary Approach to Further Improvements in Patient Safety in a Hospital with Computerised Medical Records
  1. C Cuesta-Grueso1,
  2. J Poquet-Jornet1,
  3. E Flores-Pardo2,
  4. C Santos-Ramírez3,
  5. A Pacios-Alvarez4,
  6. MJ Mas-Llull5
  1. 1Hospital de Denia, Pharmacy, Denia, Spain
  2. 2Hospital de Denia, Quality, Denia, Spain
  3. 3Hospital de Denia, Rheumatology, Denia, Spain
  4. 4Hospital de Denia, Hematology, Denia, Spain
  5. 5Hospital de Denia, nursing supervisor, Denia, Spain


Background Antineoplastic treatments administered at the Medical Day Hospital Unit (MDHU) are high risk for the patient because of their toxicity and mutagenicity and complex pharmacotherapeutic processes. In our hospital medical records are fully computerised and all prescriptions are electronic. So, it is desirable to standardise criteria in a consensus document that minimises variability among professionals to maximise the safety and clinical effectiveness for oncology patients.

Purpose To identify the key points of information that should appear in the consensus document to ensure the correct administration of antineoplastic treatments.

Materials and Methods A multidisciplinary group was created (two physicians, one pharmacist, one nurse and quality mangers). The initial criteria for determining the key points to be imparted were patient safety, clinical effectiveness, organisational coordination and traceability in the Information System. These criteria led to the establishment of 12 key points of information to develop a standard operating procedure (SOP) for each antineoplastic treatment.

Results The 12 key points that were agreed to establish SOPs for each treatment were: indications and usage; prescription form in the Electronic Health Record; pharmaceutical validation to ensure correct indication, dose, volume and type of diluent and infusion time; general and specific nursing indications; contraindications; monitoring of vital signs and anthropometric measures necessary; premedication and time spent on it; preparation of the medicine; possible adverse reactions to the infusion and their management; causes of suspension of treatment; patient information; responsibilities of each professional.

Conclusions The development of SOPs to standardise the pharmacotherapeutic process in the MDHU contribute to improving the safety and efficiency of antineoplastic treatments. In addition, in a hospital with medical records and where all prescribing is electronic, SOPs contributes to improving the organisation of a complex nursing unit such as the MDHU.

No conflict of interest.

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