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DSL-012 Evaluating the Standards of Hospital Pharmacies in Therapeutic Centres Affiliated with of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Iran
  1. R Tahvilian1,
  2. MR Siahi Shadbad2,
  3. H Hamishehkar3,
  4. V Aghababa Gharehbagh1
  1. 1Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Pharmaceutics, Kermanshah, Iran
  2. 2Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Pharmaceutics, Tabriz, Iran
  3. 3Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, clinical pharmacy, Tabriz, Iran


Background Nowadays pharmaceutical care departments located in hospitals are amongst the important pillars of the healthcare system.

Purpose To evaluate the quality of hospital pharmacies affiliated to the Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences.

Materials and Methods In this cross-sectional study a validated questionnaire was used which enquired about all the necessary and standard requirements of an ideal hospital pharmacy. The questionnaire was filled in by the one of the researchers in all seventeen hospital pharmacies located in the teaching and non-teaching hospitals affiliated to the Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences. Data analysis was done using SPSS (version 17).

Results The results shows that in the hospitals observed, 24% of pharmacy environments, 25% of pharmacy store and storage conditions, 49% of storage procedures, 25% of drugs ordering and supplies, 73% of supplies reception (proper procedures followed for receiving supplies), 35% of supplies reception (prompt action taken if deterioration of drugs received is suspected), 23.35% of drugs supplied to patients and finally 0% of stock cards used for inventory control met these standards in full. Several instances of incorrect processes of ordering, receiving, storing and delivering medicines to the patient were detected that have led to wasted money in hospitals and considerable decrease in the quality of medical services.

Conclusions Non-standard space allocation, incorrect ordering, receiving, storing processes and delivery of medicines to the patient were revealed by the questionnaire. These issues may reduce the efficiency and safety of pharmaceutical services and drug administration in hospitals.

No conflict of interest.

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