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Standardising pharmacist patient-profiling activities in a rehabilitation hospital in Malta
  1. Maria Mamo,
  2. Francesca Wirth,
  3. Lilian M Azzopardi,
  4. Anthony Serracino-Inglott
  1. Department of Pharmacy, University of Malta, Msida, Malta
  1. Correspondence to Maria Mamo, Department of Pharmacy, University of Malta, Msida, Malta; mmam0004{at}


Objectives To develop, validate, test for applicability and practicality, implement and undertake a preliminary evaluation of a standard operating procedure (SOP) for pharmacist patient-profiling activities at Rehabilitation Hospital Karin Grech (RHKG).

Methods Following direct observation of pharmacist patient-profiling activities in the hospital, a draft SOP was developed. The SOP was validated twice using a self-administered validation questionnaire and was amended according to suggestions proposed during validation. The validated SOP was tested for applicability and practicality through an observation study. Pharmacists were trained to follow the SOP correctly and the SOP was subsequently implemented. Preliminary evaluation of the SOP was undertaken using a self-administered evaluation questionnaire 1 and 4 months post implementation.

Results A ‘patient-profiling’ SOP for pharmacists was developed. Validation was beneficial since constructive suggestions were proposed and improvements with respect to SOP content, length, presentation, layout and comprehensiveness were implemented to develop the final version of the SOP. The SOP was found to be practical and applicable for use at RHKG. Preliminary evaluation showed that all pharmacists (nine) found the SOP fit for purpose, easy to follow for training new pharmacists, user friendly, easy to understand and promotes consistency in patient-profiling activities.

Conclusions The ‘patient-profiling’ SOP provides a comprehensive approach to standardisation of pharmacist patient-profiling activities at RHKG to improve the quality of patient care. The SOP will need to be regularly reviewed and updated and can be transferred to other hospital settings with minor amendments.

  • Quality of Care
  • Standardisation
  • Patient Profiling
  • Pharmaceutical Care Issues
  • Pharmaceutical Care

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