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Evaluation of implementation of clinical pharmacy services in Central Norway
  1. Ane Horvei Andersen1,
  2. Liv Johanne Wekre1,
  3. Janne Kutschera Sund1,2,
  4. Anne-Lise Sagen Major1,3,
  5. Gunn Fredriksen1
  1. 1Central Norway Hospital Pharmacy Trust, Trondheim, Norway
  2. 2Department of Laboratory Medicine, Children's and Women's Health, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
  3. 3Department of Neuroscience, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
  1. Correspondence to Ane Horvei Andersen, Stavanger Kommune, P.b. 8001, 4068 Stavanger, Norway; ane_ha{at}


This paper describes the implementation of a clinical pharmacy services in hospitals in Central Norway. Our model for clinical pharmacy services is based on the Integrated Medicines Management (IMM) model originally developed in Northern Ireland, and the Lund IMM (LIMM) developed in the South of Sweden, and adjusted to Norwegian settings. The evaluation process has been completed by conducting projects, mini-audits and surveys.

  • Clinical Pharmacy
  • Pharmacotherapy

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