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CP-142 Increased focus on inhalation technique after improvement of nursing staff qualifications: Before/After study at Aalborg University Hospital
  1. TJ Vaever,
  2. SAA Rabukawaqa
  1. Region North Hospital Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacy, Aalborg, Denmark


Background Correct inhalation technique is crucial for optimal effect of the drug and disease control of asthma/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Eighty percent of patients using inhaled medicines do not use the correct inhalation technique.

Purpose To evaluate a model of inhalation technique skills dissemination by a clinical pharmacist for nursing staff and patients in three hospital wards.

Materials and methods The intervention consisted of 2 h hands-on training in inhalation technique for selected nursing staff and super users, provided by a pharmacist. The task of the super users was to train the remaining nursing staff in the acquired inhalation technique. Thereafter the nursing staff should evaluate patients’ inhalation technique. To assess their knowledge and focus on inhalation technique, questionnaires were provided to nursing staff at the selected wards before and after the intervention.

Patients admitted to selected wards aged ≥18 years, taking ≥1 inhaled medicines and suitable for evaluation of their inhalation technique were eligible for inclusion. Patients were interviewed and evaluated on their inhalation technique by the pharmacist before and after the intervention.

Results 120 questionnaires were filled in by nursing staff; 67 before and 53 after the intervention. The result showed that nursing staff had poor knowledge of inhalation technique. The intervention significantly improved super users’knowledge and focus on inhaled medicines and inhalation technique. There was no significant improvement in nursing staff knowledge of inhalation technique.

A total of 54 patients were evaluated by the pharmacist. Ninety percent of the patients did not use the correct inhalation technique.

Conclusions Super users’ knowledge of inhaled medicines and inhalation technique was significantly improved compared to nursing staff. This indicates that the model was insufficient and that all nursing staff needs thorough training provided by a pharmacist if they are to teach patients the correct technique.

The study showed that 90% of the patients did not use the correct inhalation technique.

No conflict of interest.

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