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DI-079 Effectiveness of treatment with immunoglobulin in patients with ITP
  1. M Manzano-García1,
  2. AM Tristancho-Pérez1,
  3. CA Haro Marquez1,
  4. E Álvaro Sanz2,
  5. MJ Fobelo-Lozano1,
  6. RM Cantudo-Cuenca1,
  7. E Calvo-Cidoncha1,
  8. MI Guzmán-Ramos1,
  9. MDL A Robustillo-Cortes1,
  10. E Gómez-Fernández1
  1. 1Valme University Hospital, Pharmacy, Sevilla, Spain
  2. 2Costa Del Sol Hospital, Pharmacy, Marbella, Spain


Background Treatment of immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is a controversial subject. The management varies widely, ranging from observation only, to aggressive management with corticosteroids, intravenous anti-RhD, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), rituximab, splenectomy, etc.

Purpose To assess the effectiveness of treatment by administration of immunoglobulins (Ig) in patients diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP).

Material and methods Retrospective descriptive study of about 5 years (January 2009–March 2014). All administrations of Ig in patients diagnosed with ITP in our study period.

The variables analysed were: sex, age, dose Ig, number of administrations to each patient, pre-treatment with corticosteroids, effectiveness of treatment with Ig (being defined as platelet levels increasing to above 30–109/l, as indicated by the clinical guidelines for the use of Ig).

Patients and clinical data were selected from the outpatient and inpatient records (Farmatools) and electronic patient clinical histories.

Results A total of 23 patients were treated with PIT Ig in the study period. 6 patients were excluded because their clinical data had not been collected. 17 patients (two of whom were paediatric patients) of whom 41% were males were included. The mean age was 48 years.

The mean dose administered per patient was 40.44 grams of Ig. Mean Ig administration per patient in the study period was two administrations per patient.

Pre-treatment with corticosteroids as first-line treatment was performed in 88.23% of patients.

Of the 34 administrations recorded, 61.76% were found to be effective according to the clinical guidelines for the use of Ig for the treatment of ITP.

Conclusion Ig treatment had a higher than 60% efficacy, so it is justified to use it in symptomatic treatment prior to corticosteroids in patients diagnosed with ITP.


  1. Indian Pediatr 2013;50(6):611

ReferenceNo conflict of interest.

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