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CP-106 Oseltamivir use
  1. L Ruiz González,
  2. MT Perez Maroto
  1. Hospital Universitario de Guadalajara, Farmacia, Guadalajara, Spain


Background Oseltamivir is an antiviral approved for treatment and chemoprophylaxis of uncomplicated illness caused by influenza A or B virus for people of all ages over 3 months.

Purpose With the increase in the incidence of influenza A in Guadalajara in the winter of 2013–2014, reaching epidemic proportions, it was decided to analyse the use of oseltamivir in the treatment of influenza A.

Material and methods Retrospective observational study of patients treated with oseltamivir between November 2013 and February 2014.

Variables: age, sex and risk factors (RFs), ward, dose, duration and confirmation of influenza vaccination status. It was felt that the treatment was completed after 5 days of treatment in the case of 75 mg and 10 days of 150 mg.

The information was obtained from the Farmatools drug history and Mambrino and Turriano electronic medical records.

Results 174 patients were collected on treatment with oseltamivir. 51% were male and 49% female with a mean age of 63.61 years (2–92). 82% of patients had some RFs. The main RFs were age >65 years (53%), respiratory failure (36%), diabetes (25%), heart failure (22%), obesity (17%), immunosuppression (17%) and renal failure (15%).

The main prescriber service was Internal Medicine (37%).

The dose was 75 mg/12 h in 87% of patients, and 150 mg/12 h in 13%. 7% required titration to 30 mg/12 and 2% changed regimen during hospitalisation. 67% of patients completed the treatment.

57% (n = 93) had a confirmed diagnosis of influenza A. In this subgroup 10% did not complete the treatment with oseltamivir, 40% had been vaccinated previously for influenza and 18% had no RFs. In the subgroup of patients without influenza (n = 81) 36% completed treatment with oseltamivir.

Conclusion Oseltamivir has been used in a similar percentage for both treatment and prophylaxis and it has mainly been used in patients with advanced age and associated RFs.

Most patients were treated as uncomplicated influenza A. In the subgroup of patients with a diagnosis of influenza A were patients whom the vaccine didn‘t protect against influenza A and others who did not complete the treatment.

It would be interesting to analyse the efficacy of the vaccine against influenza in a second phase of the study.

References and/or Acknowledgements No conflict of interest.

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