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DI-047 High risk medication: Analysis of KCL administration
  1. F Dethier1,
  2. C Van Wetter2,
  3. JP Lengelé3,
  4. F Anckaert2,
  5. O Tassin2
  1. 1Pharmacy Intern- GHdC, Gilly, Belgium
  2. 2Grand Hôpital de Charleroi, Pharmacy, Gilly, Belgium
  3. 3Grand Hôpital de Charleroi, Nephrology, Gilly, Belgium


Background In Belgium, several projects are being launched about high risk medication with the patient safety contract between hospitals and the Ministry of Health. Our institution focused on KCl. This study was dedicated to the analysis of KCl administration in our hospital. This study is part of a series of institutional measures already taken.

Purpose The purpose of this study was to compare drug administration in our institution with guidelines and find improvement measures.

Material and methods We collected KCl administrations in our hospital over 3 weeks (April 2015). A clinical pharmacist analysed these administrations: infusion rate, diluent, route of administration and mixture with other drugs. All information was available from our electronic prescriptions. The clinical pharmacist reviewed the analysis with the prescribing doctor and the nurse in charge of the patient in order to obtain confirmation of the data collected.

Results We collected 154 administrations of KCl (124 patients). The analysis gave the following results: the infusion rate, diluent and route of administration were compliant with international guidelines in almost all cases (table 1).

Abstract DI-047 Table 1

Compliance of administrations

PV, peripherical vein; CV, central vein.

In only 24.19% of administrations was KCl given with other drugs in the same solution. Among these, 63.33% were validated mixtures. For the 36.67% remaining, no stability data were found in literature. There were no mixtures that were contraindicated (Stabilis database and summary of products characteristics). Overall, 92.83% of infusions were validated. As an example, the most common mixtures are shown in table 2.

Abstract DI-047 Table 2

Conclusion This study shows that compliance with administration of KCl guidelines was very high. In order to make further improvements, we edited institutional guidelines for the nursing staff.

No conflict of interest.

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