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- Published on: 20 April 2017
- Published on: 20 April 2017Deprescribing in the population with intellectual disabilities
The population with intellectual disabilities are vulnerable in the prescribing and the deprescribing process.
In the population with intellectual disabilities compared to the general population, the multi-morbidity burden is greater, occurs at much earlier age, and the profile of health conditions differs [1].
People with intellectual disabilities use multiple medications and may have been taking them for many years. Extreme care in required when de- prescribing many medications in this population group. The principles of good de-prescribing during medication review in the population with intellectual disabilities, based on the British Pharmacological Society’s Principles for Good Prescribing 2010, provide a template for quality de-prescribing in this vulnerable population group.Principles of Good De-prescribing during Medication Review in the Population with Intellectual Disabilities and Behaviour Disorders. Based on the British Pharmacological Society’s Principles for Good Prescribing 2010
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1. Be clear about the reasons for de-prescribing.
2. Take into account the patient with intellectual disabilities and behaviour disorders medication history before de-prescribing.
3. Take into account other factors that might alter the benefits and risks of de-prescribing treatment in the patient with intellectual disability and behaviour disorders.
4. Take into account the patient’s/carer’s/families/advocates ideas, concerns, and expec...Conflict of Interest:
None declared.