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6ER-029 Spanish hospital pharmacy twittersphere: a quantitative study
  1. JA Montero Delgado1,
  2. MS Jose Manuel2,
  3. JT de Pourcq3,
  4. S Plata Paniagua4,
  5. MM Viña Romero1,
  6. I Plasencia García1,
  7. E Gomez Melini1,
  8. E Ramos Santana1,
  9. R Mesa Expósito1,
  10. S Hernández Rojas1,
  11. FJ Merino Alonso1
  1. 1Hospital Universitario Nuestra Señora de Candelaria, Hospital Pharmacy Department, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
  2. 2Complejo Hospitalario de Toledo, Hospital Pharmacy Department, Toledo, Spain
  3. 3Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau, Hospital Pharmacy Department, Barcelona, Spain
  4. 4Hospital Pharmacy Department, Área de Gestión Integrada de Albacete, Albacete, Spain


Background Twitter® ( has become a useful digital tool for professional networking, update of knowledge and communication in the Spanish hospital pharmacy community.

It is estimated that the number of Spanish Hospital pharmacists (SHP) is approximately 3,500, but the rate of SHP using Twitter is not well known.

Purpose To estimate what percentage of SHP have an active Twitter account.

Material and methods A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out from 26 September 2017 to 14 October 2017.

A new Twitter profile was created in privacy mode on the Google Chrome browser.

SHP profiles were identified through the ‘snowball’ method following a four-steps procedure:

  • Searching by keywords and hashtag on Twitter: ‘#FarmaciaHospitalaria’ + ‘Farmacia Hospitalaria’ + ‘Farmacéutica de Hospital’ + ‘Farmacéutico de Hospital’ + ‘Farmacia de Hospital’ + ‘Farmacéutica especialista’ + ‘Farmacéutico especialista’+ ‘Farmacia Hospital’ + ‘Hospital Pharmacist’ + ‘Hospital Pharmacy’ + ‘FIR’ and ‘#FIR’.

  • Finding twitter lists related to ‘Farmacia Hospitalaria’ after searching on Google ‘inurl:lists inurl:Farmacia Hospitalaria site:twitter. com’.

  • Followers and lists of Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacist (@sefh_).

  • Using ‘Who to follow’ functionality on Twitter.

Inclusion criteria were:

  • Twitter accounts self–identified as HP or HP resident or shown as prespecified keywords in their biography.

The exclusion criteria were:

  • Non–institutional or personal profiles related with hospital pharmacy.

  • Private companies profiles.

  • Profiles without photo.

  • Non–Spanish accounts.

Each Twitter profile that met the inclusion criteria was followed by the new created account.

To export the following accounts database and to analyse the data, two online tools were used: Twittonomy and Google Sheets, respectively.

Results A total of 698 Twitter accounts were identified as SHP. Most of them (64.2%, n=448) corresponded with feminine profiles, and the rest were masculine (26.5%, n=185) or non-determined (9.3%, n=65).

The number of institutional profiles was 22 (five associated with theSpanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy and 17 associated with their work teams).

At the time of the study 25 Spanish Hospital Pharmacy Departments have an active Twitter profile.

The rate of SHP with a Twitter account was 18.1%.

Conclusion There are many institutional Twitter accounts associated with the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy.

Despite being a relevant hospital pharmacist community, the rate of SHP with a presence on Twitter is still low.

References and/or Acknowledgements Sociedad Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria (SEFH). SEFH, como organizarnos. Jornadas ‘EL POTENCIAL DE la SEFH’, puesta al día (07/06/2017) https://www. sefh. es/sefhjornadas/48_Sefh_como_organizarnos. pdf

No conflict of interest

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