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4CPS-042 Apremilast in psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis: a case report
  1. M Suarez Gonzalez1,
  2. E Gomez Melini2,
  3. P Diaz Ruiz2,
  4. MA Ocaña Gomez2,
  5. R Mesa Exposito2,
  6. A Montero Delgado2,
  7. J Merino Alonso2
  1. 1Hospital Nuestra Señora de Candelaria, Farmacia, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
  2. 2Hospital Universitario Nuestra Señora de Candelaria, Farmacia, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain


Background Apremilast is an orally-active small molecule which inhibits phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE4). Clinical trials have demonstrated its efficacy and safety in psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and psoriasis (PsO).

PsA is a chronic inflammatoryarthropathy that affects joints accompanied by inflammation of the skin (PsO).

PsO is a common skin condition characterised by scaly red and white patches on the skin.

Purpose Demonstrate safety and efficacy of apremilast in PsA and PsO.

Material and methods Observational, retrospective and descriptive study of a patient with PsA and another one with PsO in a third-tier hospital.

The information has been obtained from the Electronic Clinical History (SELENE®) and the Pharmacy Service Managing Software (FARMATOOLS®).

Results Patient 1: 42 years’ old male with PsA was treated with methotrexate and sulfasalazine from 2005 until now. In 2016, he started with 40 mg adalimumab (recombinant human immunoglobulin G1 monoclonal antibody) administered fortnightly as a single dose.

Adalimumab was discontinued due to worsening of asthma and began with apremilast which improved the symptoms of PsA and the asthma died out.

Patient 2: 39 years’ old female with PsO was treated with methotrexate from 2013 without improvement who started treatment with apremilast, obtained a good therapeutic response with significant improvements in pruritus and skin discomfort/pain.

So, apremilast use was authorised as a treatment for PsA and PsO. Apremilast 30 mg twice-daily improved signs and symptoms in both diseases.

Conclusion FDA, EMA and AEMPS have approved the use of apremilast for treating PsA and PsO.

Apremilast was acceptably safe, effective and tolerated by patients in these clinical cases.

Apremilast could also represent a treatment opportunity for patients unresponsive to both systemic and biological agents, or whose treatment was contraindicated.

References and/or Acknowledgements Data sheet Apremilast.



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