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An admission medication reconciliation programme carried out by pharmacists: impact on surgeons' prescriptions
  1. José Javier Arenas-Villafranca,
  2. Manuela Moreno-Santamaría,
  3. Carmen López Gómez,
  4. Isabel Muñoz Gómez-Millán,
  5. Elena Álvaro Sanz,
  6. Begoña Tortajada-Goitia
  1. Pharmacy and Nutrition Service, Costa Del Sol Hospital, Málaga, Spain
  1. Correspondence to Dr José Javier Arenas-Villafranca, Pharmacy and Nutrition Service, Costa Del Sol Hospital, Málaga 29603, Spain; jjavier.arenas{at}


Objectives To describe a medication reconciliation (MR) procedure prepared by the pharmacist for patients admitted for elective surgery and to assess the surgeon’s degree of acceptance.

Methods A 1-year retrospective observational study was conducted. The patient population consisted of patients aged ≥18 years admitted during 2016 for elective surgery and whose planned length of hospital stay was >24 hours. A pharmacist performed MR following a specific protocol. A review of the reconciliations prescribed later by the surgeons was conducted. Statistical analyses were performed for qualitative and quantitative variables.

Results The pharmacist prepared a total of 1986 reconciliation reports. The 179 patients reviewed in this study had a mean age of 65.7±11.8 years, 49.2% were women and 98.9% of patients were reconciled by the surgeon in the operating theatre using an electronic prescribing system (85.5% were fully reconciled).

Conclusion The hospital’s MR protocol resulted in almost 100% of patients being reconciled within the subgroup of elective surgery patients by the prescribing surgeons.

  • medication reconciliation
  • elective surgery
  • medication errors
  • reconciliation reports

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