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4CPS-094 Effectiveness of glecaprevir/pibrentasvir in real-world clinical practice for chronic hepatitis C infection
  1. M Rodriguez-Reyes1,
  2. JM Sotoca-Momblona1,
  3. M Mensa-Vendrell2,
  4. D Soy-Muner1
  1. 1Hospital Clínic, Pharmacy Department, Barcelona, Spain
  2. 2Hospital Plató, Pharmacy Department, Barcelona, Spain


Background Glecaprevir/pibrentasvir (G/P) is a pangenotypic, once-daily, ribavirin-free direct-acting antiviral treatment for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in patients with and without compensated cirrhosis.

Purpose Our aim was to assess the effectiveness of G/P treatment in patients with HCV infection in clinical practice.

Material and methods Observational retrospective study in a tertiary hospital. Patients with HCV infection treated with G/P between November 2017 and April 2018 were included.

Demographic data such as age, gender, race and adjusted morbidity group (AMG) were collected. AMG is a new morbidity tool adapted to the Spanish Healthcare System that classifies the population into four groups depending on the severity of their diseases.

Clinical registered variables were: transmission route of HCV infection, previous treatment status, stages of liver fibrosis, HCV genotype, baseline viral load, viral load measured after 4 weeks of treatment (VL4) categorised as undetectable, detectable below quantification (DBQ) and detectable above quantification (DAQ) with viral load >15 IU/mL, and sustained virological response defined as an undetectable HCV RNA level 12 weeks after stopping antiviral treatment (SVR12).

Results A total of 110 patients completed the treatment (55±12 years, 46% males, 95% Europeans). The most frequent AMG were group 2 (42%) and 3 (23%). Transmission route was unknown in 57 patients (52%), blood transfusion in 19 patients (17%), intravenous drug use in 14 patients (13%), nosocomial in 11 patients (10%) and other routes in nine patients (8%). Eighty-two patients (75%) were naive. Fibrosis degree was F0–F1 in 86 patients (78%), F2 in 20 (18%), F3 in 2 (2%) and F4 in 2 (2%). Most common HCV genotypes were 1b (72 patients, 65%) and 1a (21 patients, 19%). Mean baseline viral load was 3.18×106 IU/mL.

VL4 was determined in 55 patients: in 75% of them it was undetectable, in 15% it was DBQ and in 10% it was DAQ. SVR12 was achieved by 109 patients (99%) and in one patient results were not available due to loss of follow-up.

Conclusion G/P is associated with high SVR12 rates in a real-world setting. Similar results were obtained in clinical trials.

References and/or acknowledgements No conflict of interest.

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