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2SPD-029 Medical devices management: consumption in surgical practice with radio frequency identification system
  1. E Laudati1,
  2. A Di Mattia1,
  3. MS D’Antuono1,
  4. C Polidori2,
  5. L Parroni1
  1. 1Gemelli University Hospital, Pharmacy, Roma, Italy
  2. 2University of Camerino, Specialisation School of Hospital Pharmacy, Camerino, Italy


Background The Satellite Pharmacy analyses the organisation, processes, information flows and logistics related to the management of materials, mainly optimising the preparation of the procedural kits, the replenishment of the stock of medical devices (MD) at the storage locations of the surgery block operators, and returns management. By the very advanced radio frequency identification (RFID) technology according to which the products are equipped with a label containing the information of the product, we can trace the MDs from acceptance in the pharmacy to deposit in the RFID basket for surgical intervention and the patient, computerising the management procedures, rationalising the inventory management of the devices, and managing the procurement and purchasing processes with a minimum activity requirement by the operators.

Purpose Improve clinical practice in the healthcare system by RFID technology, which shows efficiency and ability to manage a rational use of human resources and materials.

Material and methods With the aim of providing some indicators that show a summary of information on the success of the activities of all the operators involved, we analysed:

  • Allocated index: ratio between specific cost centre (CC) allocations vs. generic CC allocations; and

  • Employment index: ratio between the total number of interventions performed and those that resulted without registering basket consumption.

The monitoring of these parameters makes it possible to check the progress of the improvement objectives.

Results The analyses of the cost (by intervention) recorded for the first 9 months of 2017 and 2018 in the same range of surgical specialists, shows an increase from 34% in 2018 of the total report, of which the amount allocated directly to the patient rose from 78.5% to 85.3%.

In addition, in 2018 there was a reduction of 80% consumption recorded in intervention compared to 2017, of which the overall percentage of operations without associated MD dropped from 3.4% (2017) to 0.7% (2018).

Conclusion The analysis and reports, processing through the collaboration between the various professions, has allowed a constant control of consumption and costs for each intervention, per patient and cost centre/operating room, ensuring better management of reporting flows at cost.

References and/or acknowledgements No conflict of interest.

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