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4CPS-203 Nurses: what do you think about a pharmaceutical presence in the emergency ward?
  1. N Ranjit1,
  2. G Decreau-Gaillon2,
  3. LM Joly2
  1. 1Chru De Rouen, Pharmacy, Rouen, France
  2. 2Chru De Rouen, Emergency Ward, Rouen, France


Background and importance In November 2016 a pharmacy resident arrived in the emergency ward to implement clinical pharmacy. A year and a half later, we wanted to measure the satisfaction of caregivers on this presence because few data are available on this issue. However, it seems important to better understand the expectations of staff and to target pharmaceutical activities to help improve the management of patients admitted to the emergency department.

Aim and objectives Our objectives were to collect caregivers’ opinions on the role of the pharmacy intern as well as on the clinical pharmacy, regarding reorganisation of the pharmacies in international non-proprietary name (INN).

Material and methods A questionnaire was submitted to the 52 day nurses during a 10 day period in April 2018. The questionnaire had two parts: one concerning the activities of the pharmacy resident and their relevance to the improvement in patient care and another about the new pharmacy organisation and the role of the pharmaceutical team in helping caregivers to use it.

Results A total of 71% of day nurses answered the questionnaire: 92% were strongly satisfied with the pharmaceutical team’s availability for answering their questions or helping them with treatments; 86% were strongly satisfied with the information given about the new organisation in INN and the equivalence table developed; 80% agreed that storing drugs based on INN was better even if it was harder; 100% strongly agreed that clinical pharmacy activities (medication reconciliation, pharmaceutical analysis) improve patient safety; and 96% thought strongly or very strongly that the pharmaceutical presence allowed better continuity of treatment.

Regarding transmission of information from the pharmacy (medicine shortages, new references) only 46% were very satisfied, and 8% were unsatisfied. Opinions were more divided for reporting side effects related to care or drugs: only 35% were strongly satisfied, 8% not enough and 19% did not have an opinion.

Conclusion and relevance The satisfaction of caregivers on the relevance of the presence of a pharmacy resident on the emergency ward was good overall. However, they considered that the transmission of information from the central pharmacy and the reporting of iatrogenic events were insufficient. The next step is to work on this to keep improving nurses’ satisfaction.

References and/or acknowledgements No conflict of interest.

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