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3PC-031 Current state of the anti-infective ophthalmic compounding formulation in pharmacy services: a national survey
  1. A Castro Balado,
  2. L Garcia-Quintanilla,
  3. C Mondelo-García,
  4. M González-Barcia,
  5. I Zarra-Ferro,
  6. A Fernández-Ferreiro
  1. Complejo Hospitalario Universitario De Santiago De Compostela, Hospital Pharmacist Service, Santiago De Compostela, Spain


Background and importance The ophthalmic formulation has for decades been postulated as the only alternative for the treatment of serious infective ocular diseases, since commercial presentations are not available. For this reason, most of these compounded formulas are made in hospital pharmacy services.

Aim and objectives To summarise the current state and processing variability of anti-infective ophthalmic compounded formulas through survey to pharmacists from different hospitals in the country.

Material and methods A survey was developed with questions related to anti-infective ophthalmic compounding formulations: facilities, stockage, use of freezing/preservatives, packaging, vehicles and validity periods. The questionnaire was developed through Google Forms and sent by email to hospital pharmacists nationwide in September 2019.

Results A total of 163 pharmacists from different hospital pharmacy departments answered the survey. Only 80% has installations that met the requirements of the Good Pharmacy Practice manual: 34% prepared anti-infective formulations on demand, while the rest had a stock. The median of the maximum eye drops/batch was 9.9 (IQR 3–10), and the median of the maximum intravitreal injections/batch was 10 (IQR 2–25). Related to eye drops, 49% used freezing on a regular basis, 26% under exceptional conditions and 25% never; while for intravitreal injections, the values were 47%, 13% and 40%, respectively. Eighty per cent never used ophthalmic preservatives while 20% used them under exceptional conditions. For the packaging of vancomycin eye drops, 82% used plastic, 15% glass and 3% both. As a vehicle for vancomycin eye drops, 36% used 0.9% NaCl, 25% DW 5%, 31% balanced salt solution, 7% artificial tears and 1% water for injection. Validity period was established according to: 53% bibliography, 40% risk matrix in the Good Pharmacy Practice manual, 6% both and 1% according to reference hospital standardised work procedures.

Conclusion and relevance Great variability was observed regarding the methodology used for the preparation of ophthalmic compounded formulas in hospitals throughout the country, highlighting the differences in the elaboration, packing and conservation of the same anti-infective ophthalmic compounding formulations.

References and/or acknowledgements Good Pharmacy Practice:

Thanks to the pharmacists who completed the survey.

No conflict of interest.

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