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Implementation of a pharmacy e-interconsultation integrated in patient medical record
  1. Olatz Ibarra-Barrueta,
  2. Eguzkiñe Ibarra-García,
  3. Estibaliz Pérez-Díez
  1. Pharmacy Department, Hospital de Urduliz Alfredo Espinosa, Urduliz, Biscay, Spain
  1. Correspondence to Olatz Ibarra-Barrueta, Pharmacy, Hospital de Urduliz-Alfredo Espinosa, Urduliz 48610, Spain; mariaolatz.ibarrabarrueta{at}


Objective To describe the phases of development and the success of implementation of the pharmacist non-face-to-face consultation in primary and hospital setting.

Method A descriptive and retrospective study was conducted to implement pharmacist non-face-to-face consultation with the clinician, integrated in the patient medical record. A working group was created to define content of the consultation, time of answer and the pharmacist appointment schedule integrated in the patient record. The number and type of consultations and pharmacist documentations were measure during the study period.

Results 530 non-face-to-face consultations were collected from April 2018 to September 2019, principally from hospital setting, but also from primary care. The main motive of consultation was high cost drugs application. The pharmacist documentations in medical record increased after non-face-to-face consultation implementation from 98 in the prior period to 375 afterwards. As a conclusion, pharmacist non-face-to-face consultation has been successfully implemented in our health area, enhancing pharmacist presence in patient medical record and improving the communication between the pharmacists and the physicians.

  • telemedicine
  • health informatics
  • information technology
  • information management
  • hospital pharmacy competencies

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All data relevant to the study are included in the article or uploaded as supplementary information.

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All data relevant to the study are included in the article or uploaded as supplementary information.

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