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Roberto Frontini appointed as a member of PRAC
  1. Stephanie Kohl
  1. Policy & Advocacy, European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, Brussels, Belgium
  1. Correspondence to Stephanie Kohl, Policy & Advocacy, European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, Brussels, Belgium; Stephanie.Kohl{at}

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After serving for three years as an alternate representing healthcare professionals on the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), Dr Roberto Frontini was appointed as a member representing healthcare professionals nominated by the European Commission earlier this month.

Over the past 3 years, Dr Frontini learnt a lot about the work of the PRAC and the type of input needed from healthcare professionals. Work during the pandemic was very intensive and focused on the safety of vaccines which included carefully balancing risks and advantages. One of his main activities was shaping the working of the summary of product characteristics (SmPC). Collaboration between Dr Frontini and the former member of the Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union (PGEU) was excellent and fruitful. In his role as a member with the right to vote in the PRAC, Dr Frontini is looking forward to a good collaboration with the new alternate also coming from PGEU.

During the next mandate, Dr Frontini will be continuing to be the link between the PRAC and hospital pharmacy practice in particular when …

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