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4CPS-225 Integration of a clinical pharmacist in a therapeutic education team for diabetic patients: an initiative that is worth gold!
  1. C Grasmuck1,
  2. E Labbe1,
  3. E Deberles2,
  4. V Loison2,
  5. S Gendera2,
  6. A Perdriel1,
  7. H Benoist1
  1. 1Centre Hospitalier de Falaise, Pharmacie, Falaise, France
  2. 2Centre Hospitalier de Falaise, Diabetologie, Falaise, France


Background and importance Since 10 September 2020, the new instruction relating to the gradation of ambulatory care allowed multidisciplinary day hospitalisations (MDH) to be carried out with three or four healthcare workers enabling the integration of a clinical Pharmacist (CP). Therefore, it permits incorporation of therapeutic patient education (TPE) in these MDHs for the patient’s benefit, who meets all the healthcare workers at the same time.

Aim and objectives The aim of this study was to assess the patient benefit and the economic gain of integrating a CP into a diabetology TPE team.

Material and methods In January 2021, implementation of the MDH in our hospital by a multidisciplinary diabetology TPE team composed of a diabetologist, a nurse, a dietitian and a CP. Realisation of a patient satisfaction survey and an economic evaluation of the MDH model of TPE over 9 months. The overall gain of three and four healthcare workers in MDH represents €326 and €584, respectively, for healthcare workers repaid at the base rate used by the French Social Security system. The CP examined the global medication management of the patient via an interactive game in order to ensure a good compliance and the acquisition of safety skills.

Results This survey has shown that 98% of patients (n=41) were satisfied by the establishment of a pharmaceutical time in these MDHs and by the meeting of all the TPE team on the same day. In these MDHs the fourth healthcare worker is a CP. Therefore a MDH with four healthcare workers brings an additional profit of €258 per MDH. From January to September 2021, 41 MDH of TPE with a CP were realised for an overall gain of €23 944 and 82 MDH without a CP for an overall gain of €26 732. This MDH model with four healthcare workers including a CP made it possible to obtain an additional profit of €10 578 for 41 MDHs.

Conclusion and relevance The CP has their own place in this activity. This MDH TPE model provides a significant financial gain that can be used for the implementation of other projects. These MDHs enhance clinical pharmacy activities and can be extended to other chronic pathologies.

Conflict of interest No conflict of interest

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