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4CPS-179 Description and follow-up of the use of emtricitabin/tenofovir for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis
  1. I Beristain Aramendi,
  2. A Ros,
  3. J Boo,
  4. T González,
  5. J Landa,
  6. A Arruti,
  7. MP Bachiller,
  8. MJ Gayán
  1. Hospital Universitario Donostia, Hospital Pharmacy Service, Donostia-San Sebastián, Guipuzcoa, Basque Country, Spain


Background and importance The Spanish National Health System agreed to finance emtricitacin/tenofovir (FTC/TDF) in November 2019 with an indication of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) as an HIV prevention measure. PrEP consists of taking one FTC/TDF tablet daily. The role of hospital pharmacist in the treatment of HIV-negative individuals is to follow up by monitoring adherence, interactions and reasons for discontinuation of treatment.

Aim and objectives To describe the use of FTC/TDF for PrEP in a tertiary hospital and follow-up of candidate HIV-negative individuals from the start of therapy.

Material and methods Retrospective, observational and Hospital ID Clinic study including all non-infected individuals who started treatment from December 2019 to April 2021.

Variables analysed: age, sex, risk behaviours, persistence, treatment duration, treatment withdrawal reason, adherence (adherent if ≥95%) and reasons for low adherence.

Data were obtained from the electronic medical records and outpatient dispensing module.

Results Eighty-eight HIV-negative individuals were included, 98% (86/88) were men, all of them being men practising sex with men (MSM). The mean age was 40±9 years.

Persistence to treatment (mean persistence = 6 months) was 91% (80/88). The remaining 9% (8/88) abandoned the treatment. The reasons for dropping out were: 4/8 adverse reactions (AR) (3 gastrointestinal complaints and 1 renal toxicity), 1/8 absence of risky sexual practices (= stable partner), 1/8 lockdown and 2/8 unidentified due to lack of follow-up.

82% of the non-infected people were adherent to treatment, being the mean adherence to treatment 95%. The mean adherence of the individuals considered non-adherent was 76%. The reasons for poor adherence were: 3/14 gastrointestinal AR (flatulence and abdominal pain), 1/14 absence of risky sexual relations, 1/14 lockdown and 9/14 unidentified due to lack of follow-up.

Conclusion and relevance The main profile of HIV-negative individuals in treatment with PrEP is MSM.

In general, both persistence and adherence to treatment were good. However, considering the short duration of treatment, a long-term study should be performed.

Results show that the most frequent reasons for treatment withdrawal and low adherence are AR.

Conflict of interest No conflict of interest

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