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Choice of pharmaceutical form as a key factor during ketogenic diet: a case report
  1. Héctor Rodríguez-Ramallo1,
  2. Nerea Báez-Gutiérrez1,
  3. Justo Valverde Fernandez2,
  4. Francisco José Araujo-Rodríguez1
  1. 1 Hospital Pharmacy Department, Virgen del Rocio University Hospital, Seville, Spain
  2. 2 Paediatric Gastroenterology Department, Virgen del Rocio University Hospital, Seville, Spain
  1. Correspondence to Nerea Báez-Gutiérrez, Hospital Pharmacy Department, Virgen del Rocio University Hospital, Sevilla 41013, Spain; nereabaez91{at}


West syndrome is a severe epilepsy syndrome characterised by the appearance of drug-resistant epileptic disorders associated with hypsarrhythmia and intellectual disability. Among non-pharmacological treatments, the ketogenic diet, which consists of low carbohydrate intake and a rich lipid intake, stands out. This treatment induces a state of ketosis, which has been related to a decrease in the number of seizures. It is essential to control the carbohydrate intake within drug treatment for these patients since many pharmaceutical forms, specifically liquid oral medication, may contain carbohydrates in the form of mono/polysaccharides or polyols. We describe the case report of an infant with drug-resistant West syndrome, treated with a ketogenic diet, whose antiseizure liquid medication impeded a proper response to the diet. After the substitution of these medications, the patient showed a remarkable decrease in the number of seizures.

  • case reports
  • excipients
  • pediatrics
  • pharmaceutical preparations
  • neurology

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All data relevant to the study are included in the article.

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All data relevant to the study are included in the article.

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