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EAHP news
Hospital pharmacists’ first impressions on the revision of the General Pharmaceutical Legislation
  1. Stephanie Kohl
  1. Policy & Advocacy, European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, Brussels 1000, Belgium
  1. Correspondence to Stephanie Kohl, Policy & Advocacy, European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, Brussels 1000, Belgium; Stephanie.Kohl{at}

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On 26 April, the European Commission finally released the long-awaited proposal for the revision of the General Pharmaceutical Legislation, comprised of a draft Regulation and a draft Directive to improve the delivery and availability of medicines for human use in the European Union (EU). The European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) and its members welcome the publication that also marks the start of the negotiation process for this crucial piece of EU legislation. Despite the draft Regulation and the draft Directive being very comprehensive, further amendments should be considered by the legislators, especially those

  • Guaranteeing a very high level of patient safety across Europe

  • Combatting antimicrobial resistance and fostering prudent use of antibiotics

  • Ensuring accessibility and addressing the root causes of medicine shortages to adequately prevent and control them

  • Upholding the high level of pharmacovigilance in Europe

  • Enhancing the safety of the health workforce and the environment

Reflecting on the content of the proposal EAHP President András Süle stressed that "More ambitious measures are needed to enhance patients' access to high-quality and affordable medicinal products across the European Union. Unmet medical needs and access to medicines should be better addressed by utilising the unique compounding skills of hospital pharmacists and their expertise in pharmacology targeting …

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  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.