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2SPD-017 Telepharmacy and home delivery programme for outpatients through the community pharmacy
  1. MR Cantudo Cuenca,
  2. M Arenas Jimenez,
  3. AY Salmeron Cobos,
  4. C Montero Vílchez,
  5. MI Archilla Amat
  1. Hospital Universitario Virgen de Las Nieves, Pharmacy, Granada, Spain


Background and Importance The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic accelerated the implementation of alternative ways of remote pharmaceutical care and dispensation. Telepharmacy and home delivery programmes (THDP) allow hospital pharmacists (HP) to provide remote pharmaceutical care for vulnerable populations (elderly, socioeconomic or mobility problems).

Aim and Objectives To describe the implementation of a THDP in a hospital through the community pharmacy (CP).

Material and Methods Observational retrospective study between 1 October 2021 and 30 September 2022. Patients that voluntarily requested to be part of the THDP were evaluated to meet the established criteria: >3 months of treatment, compliance with consultations, adherent, and proper understanding of the information on the THDP and signing an informed consent form. Due to the human and economic resources available, priority was given to older patients (>65 years), distance to the hospital centre, disability or dependency. Neither pathology nor medication were taken into consideration. CP requested the medication via web. Then, patients received follow-up phone calls by the HP after reviewing the electronic medical records. The medication was packaged individually with barcode labels and sent to the nearest CP through a pharmaceutical cooperative.

Results 8168 patients attended the outpatient unit, 444 (5,4%) were included in the THDP. Rheumatoid arthritis (17.8%) treatments were the most in-demand medication, followed by multiple sclerosis treatments (10.1%) and antiretroviral drugs (8.5%).

Abstract 2SPD-017 Table 1

Eight incidents occurred: dosing error (25%), wrong drug (12.5%), wrong formulation (62.5%), that were resolved.

Conclusion and Relevance The implementation of THDP has been a new challenge for HP. It enables us to provide drugs to patients in their immediate environment without extra cost to the healthcare system. However, the evidence of the impact of these programmes is sparse.

Conflict of Interest No conflict of interest

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