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6ER-031 Knowledge about human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission in people living with HIV in antiretroviral therapy
  1. Á López García1,
  2. L Martín-Zaragoza1,
  3. L Rubio-Ruiz1,
  4. C Martínez-Nieto2,
  5. M Velez-Diaz-Pallares3,
  6. P Sanmartin-Fenollera4,
  7. JA Peña-Pedrosa5,
  8. A Onteniente-González1,
  9. LM Bedoya-del-Olmo6,
  10. I Iglesias-Peinado6,
  11. J Sánchez-Rubio-Ferrández1
  1. 1Hospital Universitario de Getafe, Pharmacy Service, Getafe, Spain
  2. 2Hospital Universitario de la Princesa, Pharmacy Service, Madrid, Spain
  3. 3Hospital Universitario Ramon Y Cajal, Pharmacy Service, Madrid, Spain
  4. 4Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón, Pharmacy Service, Alcorcón, Spain
  5. 5Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Pharmacy Service, Madrid, Spain
  6. 6Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Pharmacy Faculty, Madrid, Spain


Background and Importance Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection is nowadays chronic due to antiretroviral therapy (ART).

Knowledge about HIV transmission (KHIVT) empowers people living with HIV (PLWHIV) to engage in ART.

Aim and Objectives To describe KHIVT among PLWHIV on ART and to identify factors associated with lower access to this information.

Material and Methods Multicentre (5 centres), observational, prospective and cross-sectional study. We included adult PLWHIV on ART with >3 months since diagnosis.

KHIVT was evaluated using an ad hoc questionnaire of 20 statements, to be replied ‘true’ or ‘false’. Results are the percentages of correct answers, considering as optimal knowledge results ≥80%.

Factors collected were sexual orientation, gender identity, racialisation, religion, social support, educational level, relationship and economic status, social visibility, drug use, and involvement in sex work.

Associations between quantitative and qualitative variables were analysed with Student’s T test or Mann-Whittney U test based on normality tests. Spearman correlation coefficient (r) was used between quantitative variables.

P-values <5% were considered statistically significant.

Results We enrolled 169 participants, aged 20-81 years old (&xbar;=46.6 ± 12.2); 147 men, 19 women, and 3 non-binary people.

KHIVT obtained an average result of 87.2 ± 10.4%. 77.52% of participants had optimal knowledge.

Three of the four statements with the worst results were that related to HIV untransmissibility in PLHIV with undetectable viral load (U=U).

Women achieved worse results than men (Δ&xbar;=8.16|CI95%:3.3-13.0|p=0.001).

Heterosexual men achieved worse results than homosexual men (Δ&xbar;=6.1|CI95%:2.7-9.5|p=0.001). There were no significant differences between bisexual men and other men.

PLWHIV with no/only primary education obtained worse results (Δ&xbar;=7.5|CI95%:3.2-11.8|p=0.000).

PLWHIV with an income <1,000€/month (gross) obtained worse results (Δ&xbar;=3.7|CI95%:0.5-6.8|p=0.015).

Age was inversely correlated with KHIVT (r=-0.367|p=0.000).

Conclusion and Relevance About a quarter of PLHIV have suboptimal KHIVT. Furthermore, the premise U=U is not yet sufficiently widespread.

Women, heterosexual men, older people, people with low education level and those with a limited economical income have greater difficulty accessing this information.

Conflict of Interest No conflict of interest

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