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3PC-016 Does a hospital compressor system continuously deliver medicinal air according to the European Pharmacopoeia?
  1. E Gleditsch1,
  2. R Nilsen2
  1. 1Sykehusapotekene Hf – Oslo Hospital Pharmacy, Manufacturing, Oslo, Norway
  2. 2Oslo University Hospital, Hospital Services, Oslo, Norway


Background and Importance Hospitals in Norway produce medicinal air for patient treatment. The medicinal air is produced by a compressor central and supplied by a pipeline system for patient treatment at the hospital. The quality of the medicinal air is controlled annually according to the European pharmacopoeia. The monograph for medicinal air in the European pharmacopoeia includes tests for O2, C0, CO2, SO2, NOx, oil and H2O. Both ambient air composition and components in the compressor central have influence on the medicinal air quality. The time for periodic control may therefore affect the result. There are no publications presenting results from continuous monitoring of hospital produced medicinal air quality.

Aim and Objectives The aim of the study was to confirm that hospital produced medicinal air continuously is safe and in compliance with the European pharmacopoeia. Based on a risk assessment it was chosen to monitor O2, C0 and H2O as indicators for air quality. Other test in the European pharmacopoeia was included in the periodic control.

Material and Methods The compressor central is situated in Oslo, about 500 metres from a main road. The components of the compressor central are compressor (Atlas Copco ZR 75VSD), pressure tank (Maskinspecialisten, type B+F), adsorption dryer (Atlas Copco, BD185+), carbon filter/hopcalite catalyst (Atlas Copco, QDT HOC 185) and filters (Atlas Copco, PDp). The air quality was monitored downstream the compressor central by detectors for O2, C0 and H2O (Kimessa Monoline 504/404 and CS-instruments FA500). The period for monitoring was two weeks to include daily variations.

Results The results from the monitoring complies with the European pharmacopoeia at all times during the test period. Monitoring data: O220,4 – 21,4%, CO <5 ppm, and H2O <67 ppm.

Conclusion and Relevance The monitoring data shows that a hospital compressor central is able to continuously deliver medicinal air according to the European pharmacopoeia, even with daily variations in the ambient air quality and compressor system. This is relevant information for pharmacist and technical staff when planning quality control strategies for a compressor central.

References and/or Acknowledgements 1. Technical staff at Oslo University Hospital

Conflict of Interest No conflict of interest

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