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4CPS-017 Real-world evidence on rheumatoid arthritis treatment persistence: janus kinase inhibitors versus biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs
  1. C Martinez-Molina1,
  2. C Soares Pereira Batista2,
  3. HS Park3,
  4. MA Mangues1,
  5. H Corominas3,
  6. S Vidal4
  1. 1Hospital De La Santa Creu I Sant Pau, Pharmacy Department, Barcelona, Spain
  2. 2Hospital De La Santa Creu I Sant Pau, Microbiology Department, Barcelona, Spain
  3. 3Hospital De La Santa Creu I Sant Pau, Rheumatology and Autoimmune Diseases Department, Barcelona, Spain
  4. 4Institut De Recerca Sant Pau, Inflammatory Diseases Research Area, Barcelona, Spain


Background and Importance The therapeutic armamentarium for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been remodelled over the last decades with the advent of biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) and the emergence of Janus Kinase inhibitors (JAKi). So far, real-world data comparing the persistence of these different treatment approaches are scarce.

Aim and Objectives This study aims to compare treatment persistence between JAKi and bDMARDs in a real-world setting of RA patients.

Material and Methods A retrospective study (January 2017 to September 2022), including all RA patients from a tertiary hospital under treatment with JAKi, tumour necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi), interleukin (IL) 6 inhibitor (IL6i), cluster of differentiation (CD) 80/86 inhibitor (CD80/86i), or CD20 inhibitor (CD20i). Demographic, clinical, and pharmacological data were collected from hospital claim records. Persistence was examined through Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. Median survival times were compared statistically using log-rank test and Cox model. Statistical analyses and graphic representations were performed utilising STATA15® software.

Results We included 582 cases: 166 (28.5%) JAKi treatments, 180 (30.9%) TNFi treatments, 124 (21.3%) IL6i treatments, 64 (11.0%) CD80/86i treatments, and 48 (8.3%) CD20i treatments, corresponding to 293 RA patients (86% women, 63 ± 14 years old).

The median JAKi treatment persistence was 428 [95 CI% =262–609] days, which did not differ significantly with regard to the median treatment persistence of: TNFi (HR=1.19 [95 CI%=0.91–1.56]; p=0.215), IL6i (HR=1.06 [95 CI%=0.79–1.43]; p=0.695), CD80/86i (HR=1.40 [95CI%=0.99–1.98]; p=0.054), and CD20i (HR=0.77 [95 CI%=0.50–1.18]; p=0.227). Median treatment persistences are presented in table 1.

Kaplan-Meier curves represent the estimated survival functions (figure 1).

Abstract 4CPS-017 Table 1

JAKi and bDMARDs treatment persistences

Conclusion and Relevance Based on the results from our RA real-world cohort, JAKi treatment persistence is in line with TNFi and other bDMARDs treatment persistences. Further research is needed to confirm our findings.

Conflict of Interest No conflict of interest

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