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1ISG-017 The Three Horizons method as a tool for defining the hospital pharmacy resident of the future (HPRF)
  1. E De Luca,
  2. C Botto,
  3. G Cancellieri,
  4. I Mistretta,
  5. M Santonocito,
  6. G Cappello,
  7. R Spatola,
  8. P Polidori
  1. Università Degli Studi di Palermo, SSFO – Scuola di Specializzazione in Farmacia Ospedaliera, Palermopa, Italy


Background and Importance Based on Bill Sharpe’s theory the ‘Three Horizons’ method serves as a forge for shaping future reality. Through creative discourse on future approaches/scenarios, in fact, a team, composed of a visionary (that paints the futuristic reality), a manager (who in the present ensures correct system management) and an entrepreneur (glue between the other two that invests in realisation of innovation), defines strategies for an identifiable future.

Aim and Objectives Through intersection of three different horizons (3H), from H1 (present’s reflection and starting point of discussion) to H3 (projection of a dreamlike reality with respect to nowadays), by means of H2 (bridge for the realisation of strategy), HPRF’s figure has been painted, using the most vivid imagination as a means to wish for a ‘renewed’ affirmation in our country.

Material and Methods The exercise involved the definition of ‘Three Horizons’, thinking about an HPRF operating in the year 2038, and was divided into two phases. On the one hand, a team has mapped horizons (putting different coloured Post-its for each one on a white wall), strictly following order H1-H3-H2. On the other hand, the team asked itself a series of questions to draw up the ‘action plan’.

Results From the exercise emerged an image of the current resident as ‘behind the scenes’, not fully aware of his/her potential/educational role and not totally included in hospital tissue, without real possibility of gaining experience in all sectors, unpaid and therefore not incentivised to learn deeply from internship, dissatisfied. Conversely HPRF will be fully paid/active on ward by questionnaires production for patients-medical team, raising awareness, supporting pharmacovigilance’s importance and promoting fight against antimicrobial resistance, sharing knowledge/entertaining interactions with patients, especially in difficult areas (for example Clinical Trials). A bridge (H2) is represented by a Study Plain organisation finalised to catapult resident into wards from beginning to grasp needs of all healthcare system players.

Conclusion and Relevance ‘3H’ has been a strategic framework useful to define actions to be taken for realising future scenarios. It has been adapted to pharmaceutical practice that is evolving from simple medicines distribution to education especially in the perspective of patients that are increasingly active players that acquire knowledge from both disease experience and the healthcare system, in a mutual exchange of information about pathophysiology/treatment/supply chain.

Conflict of Interest No conflict of interest.

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