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2SPD-010 Identifying and quantifying drug-related waste in a healthcare establishment
  1. A Plan1,
  2. E Delande1,
  3. D Aimar2,
  4. B Mandy1
  1. 1Hospices Civils de Lyon, Pharmacy, Giens, France
  2. 2Hospices Civils de Lyon, Logistics, Giens, France


Background and Importance In France, 8% of CO2 emissions come from the healthcare system, 20% of which are attributable to the medicines and medical devices used in healthcare establishments. A number of sustainable development initiatives are beginning to be implemented in hospitals, including the management of waste associated with medicines.

Aim and Objectives The aim of the study is to identify and quantify the sources of medicinal waste in order to implement virtuous sustainable development actions.

Material and Methods We targeted two clinical departments (Follow-up and Rehabilitation care (FRC) for spinal cord injuries (Department A) and FRC for geriatrics (Department B)) and the pharmacy. We chose these wards for the patient typology, average length of stay (ALOS), number of beds, dispensing method and type of storage.

Medicines-related waste was quantified over 2023 by recording the number of bins, the fill rate and the weight. Waste qualification was based on a sample of nine bins for which the type of waste they contained was recorded.

Results Department A with 25 beds and twice-weekly nominative dispensing, the ALOS is 186 days, with 140,274 dose units dispensed for 377 references. Medication waste represented 138 kg divided into 25% glass bottles, 23% tubular bags, 20% flexible blisters, 13% lids and 19% other, with a bin fill rate of 67%.

Department B which has 45 beds and is dispensed on a weekly basis, the ALOS is 48 days, with 185,990 dose units dispensed for 1,019 references. Medication waste represented 47.9 kg divided into 42% tubular bags, 31.5% lids, 14% glass bottles and 12.5% other, with a bin fill rate of 85%.

For the pharmacy, waste represented 177.4 kg divided into 34.5% glass bottles, 31.3% lids, 10.5% glass ampoules and 23.7% other, with a bin fill rate of 79%.

Conclusion and Relevance The pharmacy is the backbone of the hospital’s medication circuit and must therefore take steps to eliminate medicinal waste in an ecologically responsible way. To do this, it is essential to know the amount of waste and the specific characteristics of each department. The main areas for improvement in reducing our waste are optimising the filling of bins, developing specific sorting channels and starting work on wasting medicines.

Conflict of Interest No conflict of interest.

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