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6ER-023 A multi-sector simulated experiential practice event for year 1 pharmacy students
  1. R O’hare1,
  2. N O’boyle2,
  3. E Lavery3,
  4. M Smyth4
  1. 1Craigavon Area Hospital, Pharmacy, Portadown, UK
  2. 2South Eastern Trust, Pharmacy, Belfast, UK
  3. 3Western Health and Social Care Trust, Pharmacy, Londonderry, UK
  4. 4Northern Health and Social Care Trust, Pharmacy, Coleraine, UK


Background and Importance Simulation-based education complements traditional teaching, improving students’ knowledge, understanding, as well as supporting the development of students’ teamwork, decision-making, and consultation skills1,2, as well as supporting professional identity formation3. Year 1 students across the country participated in a pre-placement workshop and a simulated multi-sector experiential event.

Aim and Objectives To evaluate Year 1 pharmacy students’ and participating staff’ experiences of a simulated multi-sector Experiential Event designed to develop clinical and consultation skills.

Material and Methods The year 1 Experiential Event was delivered in both Universities in the country in March 2022. Staff (n=16) and students (n=222) were invited to complete a post-Event evaluation on Microsoft Forms to inform ongoing improvement of the Event.

Ethical approval was not required as this formed part of the review of the module

Results Seventy-five percent of staff responded (n=12) with 42% (n=5) respondents believing that students were competent conducting medication history, counselling and simple prescribing decisions. Seventy-seven percent of students (171/222) responded; 85% (n=145) and 81% (n=139) respectively believed that the medication history and consultation checklists developed in the pre-placement workshop prepared them for ‘real’ patient consultations. Students were confident in conducting BP and peak flow examinations (73%, n=125) and in prescribing medication (83%, n=142). Eighty-six percent (n=147) of respondents believed that the event had made them feel more like a pharmacist.

Conclusion and Relevance Year 1 respondents showed an appreciation for the experiential event, believing that it improved their clinical and consultation skills. The majority of student respondents believed that the event supported their professional identity formation. Staff respondents agreed that students developed core clinical skills but to a lesser extent than student participants, believing curriculum redesign will facilitate enhanced student engagement with the event.

References and/or Acknowledgements 1. Korayem GB, et al. Simulation-Based Education Implementation in Pharmacy Curriculum: A Review of the Current Status. Advances in Medical Education Practice. 2022; 13:649–660.

2. McMillan A, Barrickman A. Implementation of a skills practical to first-year pharmacy students. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning. 2017;9(6):1111–1116.

3. Quinn G, Lucas B, Silcock J. Professional Identity Formation in Pharmacy Students During an Early Preregistration Training Placement. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2020;84(8):1132–1139.

Conflict of Interest No conflict of interest.

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