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4CPS-068 Target therapy in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): a retrospective analysis to guarantee the appropriateness of the prescriptions in our hospital
  1. I Martignoni1,
  2. E Santarossa1,
  3. L Stefanizzi2,
  4. M Gambera1
  1. 1Ospedale P. Pederzoli, Pharmacy, Peschiera Del Garda VR, Italy
  2. 2Ospedale P.Pederzoli, Pathology, Peschiera Del Garda VR, Italy


Background and Importance During past years several target therapies have been approved for various mutations in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Target therapy has been shown to be effective in several metastatic cancers with specific gene mutations or molecular biomarkers, and sophisticated molecular diagnostics allow greater personalised treatment selection to prevent treatment failure, avoid unnecessary treatment, and improve survival.

Aim and Objectives The aim of this retrospective analysis is to verify that in the actual clinical practice of our hospital target therapy prescriptions and deliveries for patients diagnosed with NSCLC match with a proper molecular diagnostic testing (human DNA/RNA analysis).

Material and Methods The pharmacist crosses data regarding patients’ gene mutations and anti-cancer oral drugs deliveries to patients. Data sources are pathology department software that includes mutations tested with a real-time PCR fully automated and pharmacy software that includes for each patient the name of the anti-cancer drug, the number of confections, the date of delivery.

Results From April 2020 to August 2022, target oral therapies for lung cancer were provided to 90 patients: 53 treated with osimertinib, 16 with alectinib, 3 with gefitinb, 8 with afatinib, 3 patients with trametinib and dabrafenib, 1 with entrectinib, 1 with crizotinib, 2 with erlotinib. 58 patients were transferred from another centre with a prescription yet and for the other 32 patients we performed the molecular test in site. 25 of the 53 patients treated with osimertinib, carried out the molecular test on site with a diagnosis of deletion of exon 19 of the EGFR gene (17 patients), and one patient also had a T790M resistance mutation. 6 diagnosed with EGFR L858R mutation and 1 with EGFR G719S mutation. Of the 16 patients treated with alectinib, 5 underwent on-site molecular investigations with a positive ALK gene mutation diagnosis. Of the 8 with afatinib, 2 were diagnosed with an EGFR gene mutation.

Conclusion and Relevance This retrospective analysis of real-world data among patients with NSCLC has found that target therapies prescribed in our hospital are linked to an oncogene mutation. Next step is to develop an IT integration between departments’ software in order to allow the pharmacist to check the fully appropriateness of prescription before delivery.

Conflict of Interest No conflict of interest.

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