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EAHP news
New EAHP Open Learning course on Management & Leadership
  1. Stephanie Kohl
  1. Policy & Advocacy, European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, Brussels, Belgium
  1. Correspondence to Stephanie Kohl, Policy & Advocacy, European Association of Hospital Pharmacists, Brussels, Belgium; Stephanie.Kohl{at}

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EAHP has added a course on Management & Leadership to its open learning environment. The course can be accessed by all healthcare professionals interested in learning more about the concepts of management and leadership, in particular the difference between them and how these concepts can be applied in different situations.

The new open learning course conveys the relevant points on management and leadership through a series of presentations and workshops that draw from the expertise of both delegates and facilitators. It explores themes related to strategic planning, efficiency, team building, processes mapping and problem solving. Also human factors, such as vision and buy-in, change management, motivating people and managing resistance are touched on. Course participants will be introduced and enabled to explore a variety of useful tools including drawing from lean six sigma aids such as value stream mapping, Obeya and Kanban boards.

In addition to the course on Management & Leadership, EAHP’s open learning …

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  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.