Table 2

Recommendations and guidelines from Sweden

SourceDrugs and therapeutics committee county council of Skåne5The National Board of Health and Welfare6
1. Can we trust it?Yes, probablyYes
a. Is up to date?20142012
b. Is the content based on best available evidences?Based on The National Board of Health and Welfare systematic review and other updated referencesSystematic review
c. Is the process for the preparation fully described and transparent?No clear description of the working process. Expert group prepare background for decision, committee including chairs of all expert groupsDetailed description on who did what and what sources.
Drafts communicated nationally before final guidelines
d. Are important experts, users and customers involved?Permanent group of five regional specialists; physicians and pharmacist.15–20 selected national experts in areas including clinical, communication, health economy etc. Patient involvement not stated.
e. Is conflicts of interest (COI) declared and taken account of?Declared COI. If COI does not participate in the decisionAll Swedish agencies have common rules for COI.
2. Can we use it?Yes, see belowYes, but time consuming, see below
a. Is it easy to read, understand and apply?14 pages (in Swedish), recommendations given116 pages(in Swedish), evidence tabulated and prioritised (1–10, 1 highest)
b. Does it give us information to improve patient care?Background for risk assessment, recommendations for treatment and follow-up, questions and answers.List actions and priorities based on EBM levels for the population as a base for patient individualisation
What should we recommend based on the case? Alendronate or risedronateAlendronate, zoledronate injection if swallowing problems (priority 2)